Author Biographies



Justin Beck has a B.A. in cognitive science from U.C. Berkeley, where he is a first-year student in the Graduate School of Journalism. He rides the bus to school every day.

Edward Carpenter is a former reporter for the San Mateo Daily News in California. He is currently a student in the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley.

Elena Conis is a third-year graduate student in journalism and public health
at the University of California, Berkeley.

Serene Fang is a first-year student in the U.C. Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.

Andante Higgins has background in television broadcast. He graduated from
Clark Atlanta University with a BA. He is currently pursuing a Masters of
Journalism at University of California, Berkeley.

Toshi Maeda joined UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism in 2002 after
working as a political reporter in Tokyo for The Japan Times, the country's
largest English-language daily newspaper.

Sarah Neal has a background in theater and advertising and a degree in English from the University of California at Berkeley, where she is currently pursuing a Masters in Journalism.

Jessica Ravitz is a first-year student in UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism. After spending hours on the 72, she discovered writing and riding don't mix. Thankfully for maintenance, she got off the bus when she did.

Michael Welt is a former business writer for CNN.