Smith23, co-president of the church choir, sings soprano. Claims examiner
for Kaiser.
Pastor Barnes used to always
come to Harmony Mission Baptist Church and preach on their broadcast,
at 6 o'clock. He was so down-to-earth. He wasn't a type of preacher that
would read a scripture and just preach, but he would dissect it and everything.
I really felt this spirit with him. I kept telling my dad: I want to go
to Pastor Barnes' church, I want to go to Pastor Barnes' church. But I
never did know the church was Abyssinian. One day my sister met her fiancée
and he went to Abyssinian, so that's how I came here.
Being a Christian itself is challenging, because there's a lot of things
you have to change. Things you used to do, God will come into your life
and make you not do it any more: clubbing, drinking, anything like that.
Worldly things. And once that happened and God come into your life, that
was challenging. But when He took full control, I dedicated myself to
Him. I'm not going to say it's easy. But Pastor always teaches us here
at Bible class: If you get knocked down you have to get up. God is always
I've always sung, since I was a little kid. So listening to the choir
and feeling the spirit there, I just joined the choir one Thursday night.
Ive been president for two years now. Pastor, he prayed about it
and prayed and prayed about it. The Lord told him there was a work for
me to do in the choir as far as being the president. So I took it and
I ran. Just keeping the choir in order: fundraisers, encouragement to
the choir, robes, things like that. Every Sunday I sing. It's a way I
can praise. It's making a joyful noise just for me to open my mouth and
sing praises unto Him, because He's worthy. It's a happy feeling. It's
just like when you go outside and you're real cold it's like a shiver
you get, because you're doing something that's pleasing in the sight of
There's around eleven men, and the rest are women. It's what, thirty-six
choir members, and we're growing constantly. Sundays and Saturdays we
have a broadcasting that is live on channel 26. It's not stressful at
all, just like regular church service. No one is actually focused on the
cameras being on us. The only rehearsal that we do have is choir rehearsal,
just to sing and get everything together. When we sing we have to be prayed
up, because we are a ministry, so we are trying to minister to others.
Challenging? Whew, yes! Attitudes! Sometimes there's people that don't
listen and want to do it their way, instead of what God told me to let
them know. I'm not going to lead them wrong, as long as I'm with God.
I'm not going to lead them wrong. So that's the hard thing, with different
attitudes. Usually we will work together and find out what the problem
is. If we have to stop choir rehearsal and just start praying, we will
do it, and get back on the one accord we should be on. We have to get
the devil out of here. He has to go back to Hell. He cannot dwell in this
house. Faith will lock the door. And that's how the choir is making it
now: by reading the word of God and staying focused with Him, and prayer.
That's the only way. No other way will work.
When I was in Oakland there was a drug issue, gangs was an issue. I lived
on East 31st. We were in a house, and we moved to an apartment because
one of my sisters was moving into her boyfriends house, and it was
just me and my sister. We couldnt afford to stay.
Now I live in Alameda with my sister. I havent had a problem since
I moved. Its becoming expensive to live in Oakland. They have raised
rent, and its a shame. I guess theyre trying to build a community,
which is a good thing, but people dont make as much as theyre
raising rent to be. Its ridiculous, really. For instance West Oakland
was maybe the ghetto, and theyre trying to upgrade so kids could
have a better community and learn better and do betterbut the price
is just outrageous.
Im trying to get married in the year 2002 and me and my fiancé
are saving up now. Its hard to even save up for a wedding. Usually
weddings are like $10,000 or more. Yeah, you spend $10,000 on a wedding.
Were trying our best. I just got a new position making more money
and he also has a new position. We want to buy a house really, because
Im gonna want to have kids eventually. But only thing we can do
is ask for Gods help.
