Jessie Deeter


6/99-8/99 LEBANON-BASED FREE-LANCE JOURNALIST Beirut, Lebanon Reported and wrote stories for publications like Salon and The San Francisco Chronicle, researched academic thesis paper
5/97-present FREE-LANCE WRITER Berkeley, CA. Write news articles for highly technical magazines like Computer Reseller News. Write stories for local papers and weeklies, such as The East Bay Express.
12/98-1/99 INTERN The East Bay Express. Berkeley, CA. Wrote stories, fact-checked, updated Access database.
3/97-9/97 CIRCULATION ASSISTANT Computer Currents. Berkeley, CA.Oversaw five national magazine deliveries and supervised drivers. Organized start-up of delivery for Atlanta region.
9/96-3/97 INVESTIGATOR/WRITER The Agency. Venice, CA. Investigated and wrote reports on confidential Civil Rights cases.
9/94-6/96 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT HEAD/PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER Faculte des Sciences et des Techniques. Settat, Morocco. Formulated FSTS English curriculum and ordered all texts for English program. Taught and developed four semesters of English to first-year university students.
7/95-6/96 EDITOR U.S. Peace Corps. Rabat, Morocco. Founded and edited Ragnes,a quarterly literary review. Contributed regularly to both Peaceworks and Ragnes.
9/93-6/94 TRANSLATOR/EDITOR Yves Cazaneuve, saddle designer and trainer. Los Angeles, CA. Translated and edited horse training book from French to English.
9/93-6/94 INTERN/CONTRIBUTER Rafu Shimpo (Japanese-American newspaper). Los Angeles, CA. Contributed feature and news stories to paper.


University of California, Berkeley, concurrently enrolled in School of Journalism and International Area Studies, Middle East focus, planned graduation 5/2001, with M.J. and M.A.
University of California, Santa Barbara. B.A. English, With Honors, 6/92


French (fluent), Moroccan Arabic (good), Spanish (elementary)


MS Word, Access, Excel, Lexis-Nexis, Betacam operation, Avid digital editing.