"Net Art" is a short news documentary that presents the emerging medium of Internet art to the general public.

The story shows a diverse array of artworks -- from interactive drawing programs to political pranksterism -- and illustrates some of the unique qualities of the medium.

The story also covers the 2000 Berkeley Net Art Symposium, showing how it's still difficult for scholars, curators, and artists to make sense of "Net art."

running time: 6:38

video stream requires RealPlayer

Featured artists and artworks:

Art Entertainment Network

Natalie Bookchin


Ken Goldberg

Lynn Hershman

Mark Napier

Eric Paulos


The Remedi Project

Starry Night


robotic flies? learn about the upcoming documentary



Completion Date: May, 2000

Original format: BetaSP

Interviews include: Steve Dietz (curator, Walker Art Center), Lynn Hershman (artist), David Ross (director of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art), Ken Goldberg (artist and professor), Alex Galloway (editor, Rhizome.org), RTMark (artist).

Credits: Produced, edited, and reported by Jason Spingarn-Koff (Wired News contributer and Rhizome regional editor) at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Associate Producer: Cassandra Herrman.

"Net Art" is available for television broadcast and display in festivals and museums. For a video tape copy, please contact: jskoff@earthlink.net

copyright 2000 Jason Spingarn-Koff