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Hitchcock has an intuitive sense of what appeals to her aesthetically with her art. Her favorite pieces tend to be her most current. Good art to Hitchcock unintentionally engages the viewer through its composition or images.

For Hitchcock, her best work comes when she has no plans on how the piece is to evolve. She strives to be as emotionally and "cerebrally" detached as possible, letting the images arrive without prior thought or planning. Series evolve from drawings that have a repeated image or material.

"The best creations are the ones with no emotional ties," says Hithcock. "If I approach my art with any kind of intention, it really gets pretty dry. If it doesn't have spontaneity then I don't interact with it as much. Thought or the 'cerebral-thing' can really get in the way. Each time I draw, it's like I'm drawing for the first time."

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