Maxine Hong
She celebrates being
a human
By Jenn D. Knudsen

Maxine Hong Kingston won the 1997 National
Humanities Medal,
but at first she didn't
know it.
The Oakland
resident received a telephone call from an
English-department secretary but didn't bother to return
it for two days. "I figured they were going to ask
me to serve on a panel or something," she said in an
interview last week.
Kingston, who stands about 5 feet tall,
is an Asian-American writer most well known for her 1976
book "The Woman Warrior: A Girlhood Among
She received the National Humanities
Medal from President and Mrs. Clinton on Sept. 29, in
Washington, D.C. The next day, the San Francisco
Chronicle ran a photograph of Kingston, donning her
new medallion and flanked by the Clinton's. Kingston
remembers with a laugh that a friend who saw the photo
said: "It looks like you're herding two white
Kingston, 57, was
born in Stockton, Calif. and moved to the Bay Area at the
age of 17 to enter UC-Berkeley's engineering program.
But, "I felt like I was in prison," she said of
her first major that required a "rigid"
curriculum and many lab hours. "And I got a D or an
F in calculus." So during her sophomore year, she
transferred into the English department to pursue her
passion. "To be an English major was fun. All we did
was read and talk about reading. ... Just the whole
process of learning in the English department is so
free," she said in her breathy, slightly sing-song
Her first spoken language was "a
very small dialect of Cantonese," she said, called
Sayyup. Though she attended Chinese school in Stockton,
she never wrote Chinese. However, she was always drawn to
English "because it's fun," she said. "I
feel that English is easy in the sense that it has a
phonetic alphabet. That was the most amazing discovery
when I was a kid," she said, wide-eyed.
Kingston is one of five children.
"When we were children," she said looking out
of her fourth-floor office window, "I think we were
all good writers, and we made up stories,...towns and
people. Sort of like the Bronte's. We were like that when
we were kids." Two of her siblings were also English
majors and four of them used to teach at one time. Some
of them used to write, too, but "I'm the only one
who writes now," said Kingston, who has been married
for 35 years to actor Earll Kingston and has one son.
Since 1990, Kingston has served as a senior
lecturer in UC-Berkeley's Department of English.
Professor Anne Middleton, then-English department chair,
was instrumental in appointing Kingston. "The
circumstance was that we were asked to make an
appointment or two in creative writing," and wanted
to name someone in the stature of U.S. Poet Laureate
Robert Hass, said Middleton. "I think [Kingston's] a
wonderful member of the faculty," she said.
"She has a real energetic commitment to the
"It is the most wonderful feeling
to have a lifetime alma mater," Kingston said of her
return to Berkeley as a teacher. "I wouldn't teach
at any other school." This semester she is teaching
two undergraduate courses: Non-fiction Prose and Reading
for Writers.
Don Lattin, the religion writer for The
Chronicle, is a student in Kingston's Non-fiction Prose
class. He is auditing her course as part of his
semester-long Chronicle fellowship. "I wanted to
take a writing course," he said, to improve as a
journalist. "One of the problems with being a
reporter for 20 years is that you develop a survival
mechanism of always needing to write fast and on
deadline," he said. "As journalists, we focus
too much on quotation and not as much on detail."
But Kingston likes to focus on detail in description, he
said, so he's trying to integrate her techniques into his
own writing.
Lilly Sun is also in Kingston's
Non-fiction Prose course. "She's very generous with
her space and time," said Sun, and she fosters a
"trusting and sharing atmosphere" both in class
and during office hours.
Kingston holds
office hours an hour and a half before her Non-fiction
Prose class. She sits at her immaculate desk among three
floor-to-ceiling bookshelves with works on them like
"Candide," "Moby Dick," "The
Norton Anthology of Literature by Women" and
"The Tripmaster Monkey," one of her own books.
A framed "Excellence in Achievement Award" from
the California Alumni Association leans propped up on a
high shelf, against the wall.
Students use the time to tap into the
author's literary talent.
English major Sylvia La attended office
hours to ask how to integrate dialogue in two different
languages into her stories, a literary device Kingston
uses in her own writing. Another student, Leatha Jones,
who works with remedial English students, sought
Kingston's advice about how to teach better writing
When does she find the time to write? Kingston
said she's disciplined herself to write four to five
hours daily. "I need to set these hours," she
said. "Five hours or six pages. I have to give
myself these limits because otherwise, I feel guilty for
the rest of the evening."
Each time she sits down to write,
however, it's not necessarily with a book in mind. Many
writers may profess to have a book - or two or three - in
them, but not Kingston. "Writing a book is such an
amorphous task. I don't even know that I have anything
until years have gone by; I don't know if I have anything
substantial or if all this work will lead to anything. So
if I work like a horse - if I just persevere - that's the
best I can do."
When she is at home and not writing,
she has a hard time just sitting. "I'm trying to
learn to sit and not do anything," she laughed.
"If I'm watching TV, I'm ironing, or I'm doing the
30-year practice of meditation has helped in her pursuit
to sit still. "Now I think I'm doing very well. I'm
very aware that during the time I'm doing meditation, I'm
not doing something else," she said. Then quickly,
"But of course the mind goes on," she chuckled,
admitting some defeat.
Kingston left for Hawaii in 1967 during
the Vietnam War and stayed there for 17 years. "When
I was in Hawaii, I used to write on the beach a
lot," she said. Today, she sits down to write in her
home studio that she and her husband built after the 1991
East Bay Hills fire destroyed some of their property.
selects her writing implement depending on her mood.
"I have two computers, a lot of beautiful fountain
pens, and a nibbed pen," she said. "When my
father died, he left about a dozen bottles of ink that he
made himself, so I realized that I have a lifetime supply
of ink that I can use with a dip pen."
"Usually when I'm just getting an
idea and it's very vague," she whispered, "and
I'm just trying to grab it, I'll use pencil because a
pencil has so many dimensions to it."
Writing didn't always come easily or
quickly to Kingston. "For 30 years of my life, I
could only write in the first person," she told
another advice-seeking student. She spent years
practicing and perfecting her craft. Today, she puts her
voice into her characters to sidestep the "I"
and segue into the third person. She also relies on
literary techniques such as dream imagery, memory and
autobiography in her writing.
Her signature
style is sometimes criticized. "Clearly [Kingston's]
work has been incredibly important and debated,"
said Tina Chen, an advanced doctoral candidate in English
at Berkeley and a scholar in Asian-American literature.
According to the literary critics, said Chen, the
authenticity of Kingston's works, such as "Woman
Warrior," have been questioned because of her
emphasis on reality-distorting dream imagery. Critics
also contend that she caters too heavily to a white
audience. Kingston doesn't agree with her critics.
"A lot of misreadings - and deliberate misreadings -
occur, I think, in order to back up somebody's political
agenda," she said.
The self-described
"born-writer" doesn't let others' comments
distract her from her work. Fresh from the National
Humanities Medal awards ceremony and expecting her latest
book, "Hawaii One Summer," to be on bookshelves
by December, Kingston said, "I feel very happy. Very
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