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Here's What Other Users
Had to Say:
Date: 20 Apr 1998
Welcome to Inside
Oakland! Tell us what you think.
Date: 20 Apr 1998
Date: 21 Apr 1998
Well, I love the History site. It's so informative and
Who wrote that?
-- Concerned Oaklander
Date: 21 Apr 1998
Wait a second, what about that Politics site? I can't
believe how informative it is!
-- Registered Voter
Date: 23 Apr 1998
[For Nina Wu] Nina--Good site, nice potential range.
Still a lot of "under construction" holes, and
some fairly thin stories. But a very promising beginning.
A trivial point, but someone should keep an eagle eye out
for spelling--"sponsers" of initiatives, Ed
"Blakley," Jerry Brown's
"wharehouse." The JB profile was sharp, but not
nasty; your own piece on Chinese in the Gold Rush very
well done. David Littlejohn (Disappointed to find
"About us" not yet up; I'm still curious who
ultimately runs and pays for the site.