Lisa started collecting a few months ago. She borrows a friend’s truck to make the work a little more manageable. Her route usually takes about five hours. "I’m ready to retire now, but I can’t do it," she says. "Nothing hard about [the work]. I just can’t get enough." Lisa supports a fourteen and a fifteen-year-old. "I make whatever I can," she says.







California redemption bottles…………………………5 cents each
Co-mingled glass under 100 lbs…..…………………4 cents per pound
Co-mingled glass over 100 lbs………………………5.5 cents per pound
Plastic containers……………………………………40 cents per pound
Aluminum cans……………………………………..90 cents per pound

Odel of East Oakland hauled:
400 lbs of co-mingled glass
15 lbs of plastic…………………………………….$6.00
2 lbs of cans…………………………………….…$1.80