The Pacific staff

Website editor/designer

Harry Mok



Marc Albert

Matthew Bell

Terry Chea

Ahmad Coo

Lillian Liang

Harry Mok

Carolyn Ann O'Keefe

Anne Senges

Michael Yue

Julie Chen Zhu


Faculty advisers

Bruce Gilley

Robert Templer

Carolyn Wakeman




Both sides of The Pacific

Aspiring journalists with an interest in covering news outside of the United States could do worse during their time at journalism school than to abide by the slogan "think globally, act locally."

In our spring term of the class Reporting on Hong Kong here at the UC Berkeley journalism school, students have fanned out across the San Francisco Bay Area to report locally on Hong Kong stories. The people, the traditions and customs, and the daily life of the Bay Area's diverse Chinese community have provided the students with ample opportunities to hone their skills in reporting on this distinct and colorful culture in preparation for their end-of-term trip to Hong Kong itself.

It has been my pleasure to oversee their reporting and writing. The first assignment was an impressionistic story of some place with a distinct Hong Kong link. These "sights and sounds" stories covered the gamut of locales – from Asian brothels to wet markets, from Cantonese churches to Hong Kong-run garment factories. We have selected four of the pieces here, although many merited inclusion in the magazine.

The second assigment was a profile of a Hong Kong person in the Bay Area. We have chosen four – profiling an artist, a cook, a feng shui master, and a politician – to reflect the diversity of the pieces.

The students have also reported issue-based stories as their final assigment and will turn in more stories from their trip to Hong Kong. It has been a successful term of reporting on and learning about Hong Kong right here in the Bay Area.

We hope these selected stories are as fun to read as they were to write.

Happy reading!

Bruce Gilley
Visiting scholar, Graduate School of Journalism
Hong Kong correspondent, Far Eastern Economic Review

The Pacific is produced by students at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism