For the past few months, the mayor of Richmond has been trying to track down the house where Owsley Stanley — California’s “King of Acid” — ran an LSD lab back in the sixties. In this final episode of a three-part series on the mayor’s search, reporter Cat Schuknecht catches up with an anonymous source, an antiques collector, and Owsley’s own son.

Design historian Steve Cabella found Owsley’s 1949 Studebaker pickup truck in the Berkeley hills. Could the truck hold a clue? (Photo courtesy of Steve Cabella)
REPORTER: Cat Schuknecht
MUSIC: “White Rabbit” – Jefferson Airplane and “Baby you can drive my car” – The Beatles
PHOTO CAPTION & CREDIT: Reporter Cat Schuknecht looks through microfilmed classified ads as the search for Owsley’s lab continues. Photo by Reis Thebault.
Air Date
April 2017