Baleseng Segona decided that 1996 would be different. This
year she would fight back against her abusive husband. So one night,
after a particularly bad beating at his hands, she got a knife and
waited in her Soweto shack for him to come home from work. She believed
that violence was the only language he would ever understand.
either you kill me or I kill you," the 39-year-old Segona recalls
thinking at the time. She was tired of her husband's beatings, blatant
infidelity and frequent unemployment. When Samuel Makotoko Makotoko
came home, the couple fought and Segona managed to pin her husband's
body down.
just before pushing the knife into Makotoko Makotoko's flesh, Segona
decided it wasn't worth it, that having to leave her two children
and spend years in jail for his murder would be worse than living
with him. She let him go and decided to try and salvage what was
left of her marriage. But for Segona, the violent war between her
and Makotoko Makotoko was far from over.
poster about girl empowerment. It reads, "Girl chldren
are half of our nation's future. Give the girl child equal
opportunities for education, and social security."