owners. People carry guns for security, she says, but often end up
being threatened or killed with their own weapons. She says hijackers
are often motivated by more that just stealing a car. "Invariably
they know there's a weapon in it," she says.
whether or not there is a weapon in the car that is hijacked, a
sudden move to innocently, frantically unbuckle a seat belt could
get you killed, according to Instructor Brussow. With a series of
slides, demonstrations, and a real hijacking exercise at the end,
he impresses upon his audience the need to stay calm. His tips are
common sense: don't panic, use your left hand to remove the seat
belt and open the door, keep your right hand in the air, get out
of the car quickly and don't resist. "Learn to surrender your
car," he says, "and not your life."