South Africa in Transition
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UC Berkeley School of Journalism
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Welcome to our photo gallery

Here are some more shots from our reporting, with a few odds and ends thrown in. Click on the small photo to see a larger version.

A billboard in stark contrast to the surrounding reality, by Jessie Deeter

Living conditions, by Jessie Deeter

Another shot of people's housing, by Jessie Deeter

A future voter encourages voter registration, by Sherri Day

A flier for 'Miss Gay Western Cape' contest

A resident of Pilanesburg Wildlife Park, by Jessie Deeter

South African girls take a lunch break, by Neil Henry

A beauty pageant, by Neil Henry

Astros, a candy sold in South Africa

Peppermint Crisp, another candy


Candids from our trip

Our class

Jessie Deeter interviewing

Erica Terry interviewing, by Neil Henry

Jeff Bartholet and Chris Jenkins, by Neil Henry

Sherri Day and Erica Terry, by Neil Henry