About this site

The production staff: 

Cheryl Anne Bowlan
Donna Jean Hemmila

Jennifer Jane Kho

Michael Courtney McPhate

Melis Senerdem

Kechia Monique Smith-Gran

Brandon Ingersoll Sprague

The production staff were students enrolled in Journalism 298 (Covering the Arc of Crisis: From Kabul to Jerusalem), taught at the Graduate School of Journalism, UC Berkeley in the Spring 2002 semester. The Arc of Crisis class was a course examining issues of land, religion, nationalism and terror since the end of the Ottoman Empire. It was intended 1) to give graduate students in journalism familiarity with the politics of the countries of the region and 2) to guide them in the use of their new background knowledge to create a comprehensive web site, making use of the unique methods of multimedia story-telling. The goal was to create a web site that would serve as a model for news media, as well as a valuable resource for the public and educational institutions.  

Only the audience will be able to say whether the effort was successful. We welcome your comments.

The course was co-taught by William Drummond and Jane Ellen Stevens. The webmaster was Jennifer Smodish. 

This site has been partially funded by a grant from the Al-Falah Program of the Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley. 



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