Afghanistan: David Kashifi

In 1978, when David Kashifi was an 8-year-old living in Kabul, he heard the sounds that changed his life forever.

>> Read the full story.

>> See a slideshow of Kashifi's family.

Iran: Shayesteh Zarrabi

The Islamic Revolution in Iran was not televised, but Shayesteh Zarrabi and her family had front row seats.

But while revolutionaries were running through the streets of Tehran that February in 1979 screaming, "This is the voice of the revolution of the Iranian people! (In sedaay-e enghelaab-e mardom-e Iran ast!)," the Zarrabis were somewhat sheltered from the chaos of conflict.

>> Read the full story.

>> See a slideshow of Zarrabi.

Iraq: Ali Al Hailla

Ali Al Hailla knows that words can be powerful. The former poet and soldier is from a small Iraqi town near Babel where, according to the Bible, the diffusion of different languages originated. As the story in Genesis goes, the denizens of Babel tried to build a tower to Heaven. They would have succeeded too, had not god confounded their words so they could not communicate.

>> Read the full story.

Ali Al Hailla talks about his life.






A timeline of events in Afghanistan's history.

A timeline of events in Iran's history.

A timeline of events in Iraq's history.

Related links about Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq.

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